L’enseignement complet de Jésus sur l’homosexualité
Tel que l’attestent les évangiles de Matthieu, Marc, Luc et Jean. Tiré des manuscrits originaux. Une réflexion inusitée… qui vide la question!
Tel que l’attestent les évangiles de Matthieu, Marc, Luc et Jean. Tiré des manuscrits originaux. Une réflexion inusitée… qui vide la question!
There is no word in biblical Greek or Hebrew for sodomy. A Sodomite was simply an inhabitant of Sodom, just as a Torontonian is an inhabitant of Toronto. It was not until after the rise of the hierarchy in the institutional church that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah was inaccurately equated with homosexuality and the word sodomite came into use.
This article was published by GayChristian101.com in America. They are answers to questions that many Gay Christians have been asked or asked themselves: Why did God call men having sex with each other an...
Here is an interesting text about sodom and Gomorrah. The reading deserves special attention without any cultural or religious prejudices and thoughts behind the mind in order to let the heart leads through lines...
Le 15 Août est une journée spéciale pour tant de chrétiens catholique. La célébration de l’Assomption de la vierge Marie mère de Dieu au Ciel. Certains pays expriment leur dévouement d’une façon très solennelle...